LWV recognizes the importance of including the next generation in our membership. We value the energy and ideas you bring to our work.
Our hope is that students will join, now, and become life-long League members.
Annual membership
$70 individual
$105 household
free for students
Pay Membership Dues by Mail with a check
Print this Membership Form (pdf)
Make check payable to:
LWV of Marquette County
Mail to:
LWV of Marquette County PO Box 585 Marquette, MI 49855
For further information about our chapter or dues assistance: use our Contact Form.
Contact information for State League Information is LWVMI, 600 W. Saint Joseph St., Ste 3G, Lansing, MI 48933, 571-484-5383
Email: info@lwvmi.org
Website: http://lwvmi.org
Pay Membership Dues Online
Membership in the LWV, one of the most respected and effective grassroots organizations in the country, is open to men and women 16 years of age or older.
Our members make a visible difference by serving as community leaders using their experience to create positive, lasting change in our communities.
It’s up to you! Many members choose to support the League only with their annual dues. Your membership alone gives us the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and a force for change. We cover a broad spectrum of issues and concerns; you may choose to become involved in one or more of them by actively participating in a group study, or listening to a panel of experts at a meeting, or just reading about them in one of our publications.
Through participation in League projects, you can:
You automatically become a member of the LWV of Michigan and the LWV of the U.S. You will receive their publications. You will have the knowledge that you are adding your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington DC, the Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong.